Baltimore’s Ready to Reduce Vacant Properties

According to the Los Angeles Times, Baltimore has many challenges with-in their city’s limits, but one of the greater challenges they have is an effort in trying to reduce the amount of vacant properties throughout the city.  As of now, they have an estimated 16,000 vacant properties, which comes out to about 1 in every 8th home being vacant. This issue with-holds the city from growing their population due to an increase in criminal activity, keeping city funds down. 

The city is on the cusp of providing $1 billion in capital support to help resolve the issue at hand.  One of the first steps they’re is for all the vacant homes to be demolished, since most of them are beyond a rehabilitative state for being repaired.

The plan also calls for improvement of their public school systems in hopes of attracting more families to the area. 
For more information about this article, click on this link: Los Angeles Times