Cut Through the Red Tape in Washington, DC

One would expect to jump through hoops and cut through yards of red tape to record any type of document in Washington, D.C.  Let me tell you that it can be accomplished!  These guidelines will make you look like a pro when it comes to filing a Washington, DC mechanic’s lien.

Timeliness:  The deadline for filing a mechanic’s lien in Washington, DC is 90 days from the last date of service.  Begin gathering the information to file the lien at 60 days from the last date of service.

Required Forms:  Current Certificate of Good Standing issued within the past 6 months, a current business license, a copy of the contract, and the completed, approved mechanic’s lien form.

Filing:  Even if you think you have all your paperwork in order, begin the filing process no later than 75 days after the last date of service.  This gives you a buffer just in case your packet of perfection doesn’t quite meet the strict expectations of the Washington, DC clerk.

The Washington, DC recorder’s office doesn’t need to be the black hole where paperwork disappears.  Be proactive when it comes to the necessary paperwork.  You’ll be glad you did when your mechanic’s lien comes back filed by the recording clerk of Washington, DC.